6.The EXE files created are huge. What can i do to reduce the size?
If you want to reduce your exe file size from 330 Ko to 12 Ko forexample, go to compiler options. Then click on the Linker pageand uncheck 'Generate debug information'. This willremove debugging information (if you want to debug, uncheck it).You can also click on Optimization page and check 'Bestoptimization'.


7.Under Windows NT, every time i launch Dev-C++ i get the message“Failed to set data for”
The is because you are not in Administrator mode, and Dev-C++tries to write to the registry. To get rid of the error message,log on as the Administrator, or uncheck the file associationoptions in Environment options, Misc. Sheet.

8.when I try to compile I get: ld: cannot open crt2. o: No suchfile or directory. What can i do ?
Go to Compiler options, and check if the Lib directory iscorrectly set to:
(for a default installation).

If this stilldoesn't work, try copying the file Libcrt2.o to your Dev-C++'sBin directory.

9.How can i use the OpenGL library and others ?
All the libraries that comes with Mingw reside in the Libdirectory. They are all named in the following way: lib*.a
To link a library with your project, just add in Project options,Further option files :
This is for including the libopengl32.a library. To add any otherlibrary, just follow the same syntax:
Type -l (L in lowercase) plus the base name of the library(filename without 'lib' and the '.a'extension).

10.When i compile a file that contains references to Windowsfilename (like <Mydirmyfile.h>), i get a 'unrecognizedescape sequence' message ?

The Mingw compilerunderstands paths in the Unix style (/mydir/myfile.h). Tryreplacing the in the filename by /

11.Is there any GUI library or packages available for Dev-C++ ?

You can downloadextra packages for Dev-C++ at http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/

12.I am having problems using Borland specific functions such asclrscr()

Include conio.h toyour source, and add C:Dev-C++Libconio.o to 'FurtherObject Files' in Project Options (where C:Dev-C++ is whereyou installed Dev-C++)

13.The toolbars icons are showing incorrectly.

On some screenresolutions, toolbars icons may show up incorrectly. You shouldtry changing your screen resolution, or disable toolbars from theView menu in Dev-C++

14. It seems i've found a problem/bug thatis not specified here. What should i do ?

Dev C++ Error 216

First, you shouldtry doing a 'Check for Dev-C++ update' (in Help menu)to know if a new version has come that may correct this problem.If there are no new version or the problem wasn't fixed thenplease send an email describing the bug to : [email protected]

15.When attempting to create a setup program, i get the error'File BinSetup.exe not found'.
If you arewilling to use the Setup Creator feature of Dev-C++, you need to download and install thisfile
16.How to use assembly with Dev-C++ ?
The assembler uses AT&T (notIntel). Here's an example of such a syntax :
// 2 global variables
int AdrIO ;
static char ValIO ;
void MyFunction(..........)
__asm('mov %dx,_AdrIO') ; // loading 16 bits register
__asm('mov %al,_ValIO') ; // loading 8 bits register
Don't forget the underscore _ before each global variable names !
__asm('mov %dx,%ax') ; // AX --> DX
When you open a file, all kinds of things can go wrong. A file lives on a physical device — a fixed disk, for example, or perhaps on a flash drive or SD card — and you can run into problems when working with physical devices.
For example, part of the disk might be damaged, causing an existing file to become corrupted. Or, less disastrous, you might run out of disk space. Or, even less disastrous, you might try to open a file in a directory that doesn’t exist.
If you try to open a file for writing by specifying a full path and filename but the directory does not exist, the computer responds differently, depending on the operating system you’re using. If you’re unsure how your particular operating system will respond, try writing a simple test application that tries to create and open something like /abc/def/ghi/jkl/abc.txt. (Of course, you’ll want to be sure to use a directory that doesn’t exist.)
Then one of two things will happen: Either the directory and the file will get created, or nothing will happen.
For example, on a Windows system, if we attempt to create a file in a directory that doesn’t exist, the system does not create the directory. That’s because deep down inside, the application ultimately calls an operating system function that does the dirty work of creating the file. And this particular operating system function (it’s called CreateFile(), if you even care) has a rule that it will not create a directory for you.
If you want to determine whether the ostream class was unable to create a file, you can call its fail() member function. This function returns true if the object couldn’t create the file. And that’s what happens when a directory doesn’t exist. The DirectoryCheck01 example shown demonstrates an example of this.
When you run this code, assuming that you don’t have a directory called /abc/def/ghi on your system, you should see the message Couldn’t open the file! Assuming that your particular operating system doesn’t create a directory in this case; if it does, your computer will open the file, write Hi to it, and move on with its happy life after closing things out.
As an alternative to calling the fail() member function, you can use an operator available in various stream classes. This is !, fondly referred to as the “bang” operator, and you would use it in place of calling fail(), as in this code:
Most people prefer to use !outfile instead of outfile.fail(), although !outfile makes confusing code. The reason is that outfile is an object, and the notion of !outfile simply doesn’t make sense.
In fact, !outfile trips up many beginning programmers. They know that outfile is not a pointer in this sample code, and they wonder how you could test it against 0 as you normally can only do with a pointer. (Remember, by saying !x, where x is some pointer, you’re testing x against 0.) And that simply doesn’t make sense! And so, to avoid confusion, just call fail(). It makes more sense.
Here are some reasons your file creation may choke:
Like any good application, your application should do two things:

Error 216 In Dev C Code

  1. 1.Check whether a file creation succeeded.
  2. 2.If the file creation failed, handle it appropriately.
    Don’t just print a horrible message like Oops!Aborting!, leaving your poor users with no choice but to toss the monitor onto the floor. Instead, do something friendlier — such as presenting a message telling them there’s a problem and suggesting that they might free more disk space.